102 reviews of AVSE-TESOL

Review 102 of 102 AVSE-TESOL

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Job Assistance

I had some reservations prior to making up my mind about teaching ESL in Vietnam. I wasn’t really sure if it was a good decision. However, when I discussed with the management of AVSE; I put forward such concerns and they were able to allay my fears.

True to their words, the training turned out as an amazing and enlightening experience. We had both theoretical and practical classes. Our instructor, Mr. Mick was great in class and was always willing to assist students in handling difficult tasks. Above all, they also ensured I got a good teaching job after my training.

AVSE is no doubt a premium TESOL institute and unarguably one of the best in Vietnam.

Review 101 of 102 AVSE-TESOL

Overall Rating
Course Content
Practice Teaching
Quality of Feedback
Lesson Plan Guidance
Instructor Competency
Job Assistance

I would recommend to do other training.

I was very disappointed from this training.

I never felt such insecure especially how the teacher treats the students.

Ive never been told to shut up and a teacher that acts and treats people like that shouldnt teach espeically after he gave me an headache and a lot of stress.

What upset me the most is that they offer any kind of service and dont really care about you.

Its very primitive training, the teacher is an old guy and his methods are very old and primitive and really low quality.

One thing isnt to be nice but another thing to yell at me and accuse me for something I havent done.

Nobody need to be treated like that especially after dealing with a lot of issues moving to Cambodia

The class was only with 4 members and the rest of the students are already working.

Its better to do another training with better experience.

Thank you for the lesson I learned to listen to my gut feeling.

Write a Review of AVSE-TESOL

Overall Rating
Course Content
Practice Teaching
Quality of Feedback
Lesson Plan Guidance
Instructor Competency
Job Assistance
Writing Tips

Remember, by definition a review is a critical assessment or evaluation.

Explain why you hold your opinions– include specifics.

Include both pros and cons.

Balance a raving review with a suggestion for improvement or something you’d do differently if you took the course over again.

Balance a negative review by adding at least one positive aspect about your experience.

Avoid any language that may be perceived as slander.

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TEFL Course Review