Discover teaching English abroad with i-to-i TEFL.
We’re TEFL experts with over 27 years’ experience in making teach English abroad dreams a reality!
We start by helping you qualify as a confident TEFL teacher, before pointing you in the right direction to our TEFL Internships in epic locations such as Thailand, Vietnam and South Korea.
Here at i-to-i TEFL, we’re proud to say we’ve trained over 182,000 TEFL graduates. And because our courses are English-Government regulated, once you’re qualified, employers prefer candidates with an i-to-i certificate.
I enrolled for this course around March/April. At the end of May I had to take 3 weeks off. This was just after I submitted my first assignment. My assignment was returned a day or two after I had left. I could only submit 3 weeks later. Since then I haven’t received any feedback on my resubmission. In the meantime I had to complete my other 2 assignments, which I submitted as well. My course is due to expire this week and I haven’t received any further feedback. I refuse to pay for an extension until this is resolved and I know by how much I need to extend my course. My username is coertjo313 and my tutor is Francesca.