324 reviews of Maximo Nivel

Review 324 of 324 Maximo Nivel

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Lesson Plan Guidance
Instructor Competency
Job Assistance

A lot of universities could take a lesson or two from how everything is arranged at Maximo Nivel. I took the Spanish course in Guatemala five years ago, and I chose Maximo Nivel this time to have a different adventure because I knew that everything would be well arranged and that the highest quality would be guaranteed.

I would even dare to say that the brochure and website information undersell what a truly amazing experience the TEFL course is, mainly due to the great teacher we had. Sean has the energy, knowledge, and patience to develop great future teachers.

Not only does the course content give you exactly what you need to prepare yourself to be in front of a class, but it also gives you the hands-on practice to stand there with confidence, think on your feet, and enjoy the experience.

I am already missing the classes and Cuzco. Thank you Maximo Nivel and thank you Sean!

Review 323 of 324 Maximo Nivel

Overall Rating
Course Content
Practice Teaching
Quality of Feedback
Lesson Plan Guidance
Instructor Competency
Job Assistance

I was on the proverbial fence about getting recertified in TEFL, as I had previously received my TEFL cert 16 years ago from the University of Arizona in Tucson. There seemed to be a lot of job opportunity in the area so part of me was thinking, “Why spend money unnecessarily when I can just start working right away?” Having said that, I am SO GLAD I signed up for the TEFL course with Máximo Nivel (Cusco) which I just completed this past Friday. Years ago, I got by teaching ESL based on the fact that I was a native speaker and that I had a fairly fun personality which my students generally responded well to. However, though most days I was passionate and gave my all, some days I was not good at all and did a disservice to the students I was teaching. Afterall, they were paying hard-earned money to learn English, not to be entertained. Máximo Nivel´s philosophy of teaching prioritizes STT (Student Talk Time) and in this course you learn not TO TEACH English, per se, but rather how to elicit and pull English language from the students! You learn how to constantly check in with your students to ensure they are understanding the activity in the classroom (CCQing), and you learn how to correct errors in a very direct and effective manner. Sean is the apotheosis of this teaching philosophy. He is in fact from day one modeling these techniques the whole time he´s teaching TEFL. Spoiler alert: about a week into the course, you realize that he has been teaching you in the same manner as he would his ESL students, utilizing all the same techniques. He has in fact elicited and pulled all of the information directly from the students and you discover that we’ve been doing most of the talking and that we’re having a blast while doing so. It is such an engaging and empowering method of teaching; you remember the information easier because you are the one, in fact, producing the information. Brilliant! He basically is modelling and teaching you how to metaphorically do Aikido on your students! Using THEIR energy/activity/voice toward the ultimate goal of “doing” English. I don’t want to give the illusion that this was an easy course, not at all. Especially for an old dog such as myself (50s now…yikes!) who struggles learning “new tricks” and whose personality is very well established. Speaking for myself, I had to destroy my ego and slowly build it back up again throughout the four weeks of instruction and there were many bumps along the way in learning how to consciously utilize these techniques. My younger cohort, all very talented and intelligent young women, were able to adjust more quickly. In the end I was able to do well enough to pass the course and when I struggled Sean was RIGHT THERE to support me. He was very available to his students; you got the feeling, and he in fact told us, he wouldn’t allow us to fail. The last thing I’ll say is that you immediately get to practice the techniques you are learning on ambitious young Peruvian students who take advantage of the free opportunity to participate in mini lessons which you, the TEFL student, are leading them through. This opportunity occurs weekly up until the final week where (M-F) all you are doing is preparing for and teaching a full class of students who are paying the institute money to be taught by you via all the techniques Sean has instilled in you. I thought my previous experience at U of A was great, but really there is no comparison to the hands-on, participatory experience offered my Máximo Nivel.

Review 322 of 324 Maximo Nivel

Overall Rating
Course Content
Practice Teaching
Quality of Feedback
Lesson Plan Guidance
Instructor Competency
Job Assistance

Sean is an amazing instructor! I’ve learned so much from him in the short time I’ve had in Peru. I was a hybrid course member and I initially bought the on-site program but my life is a bit too busy for the full 4 week in-person course. I so wish I could have spent more time in the classroom because it was fun, challenging, and engaging. The most valuable time I got was in person! It’s such a rigorous course and the in person feedback from someone as experienced as sean is extremely invaluable. I cannot say enough good things

Review 321 of 324 Maximo Nivel

Overall Rating
Course Content
Practice Teaching
Quality of Feedback
Lesson Plan Guidance
Instructor Competency
Job Assistance

I got my TEFL certificate here last month and would describe the course as a great way to expand your teaching skills within a short time. In just a month we got an in-depth study of being an ESL teacher and put our knowledge to test teaching actual classes at Maximo Nivél. It was really valuable to be taught in a small-class, as we got lots of attention and feedback to improve our skills. Even though the course is a lot of work, it was a really fun time with my classmates and our TEFL trainer, who made the course a lot more manageable. Overall, I’m very glad I got to experience being a TEFL student in Peru and am now being assissted in finding jobs around the world. I really enjoyed my time at Maximo and felt very welcomed by the staff there!

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Practice Teaching
Quality of Feedback
Lesson Plan Guidance
Instructor Competency
Job Assistance
Writing Tips

Remember, by definition a review is a critical assessment or evaluation.

Explain why you hold your opinions– include specifics.

Include both pros and cons.

Balance a raving review with a suggestion for improvement or something you’d do differently if you took the course over again.

Balance a negative review by adding at least one positive aspect about your experience.

Avoid any language that may be perceived as slander.

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TEFL Course Review