Hero Ads

Hero Ads provide great exposure in categories where you want to promote your services.

A Hero Ad appears next to the category title and description on specified category page. Additionally, Hero Ads also appear on the listing pages of schools that belong to the selected category, if the school has a free listing.


  • Price: $25 USD/month for each category page
  • Hero Ads run for 30 days and can be renewed indefinitely.
  • Hero Ads appear to the right of the category title and description the chosen category page(s).
  • Hero Ads appear to the right of the school name on basic school listings which are in the same categories as the chosen category page(s).
  • Hero Ads are images of the type .png or .jpg.
  • Hero Ads maximum dimensions are 300 pixels wide × 250 pixels high.

Display Locations

Hero Ads appear in 2 different places on TEFLCourseReview.com

1. Category Page

Hero Ads are displayed to the right of the category’s title and description on selected category pages.

2. Basic (Free) Listings

All Hero Ads will rotate and be displayed on any Basic Listing school page that is part of the category you have selected.

What are category pages?

Category pages are the pages on TEFLCourseReview.com that display a list of schools and a sidebar containing filters to limit the results by various criteria.

Our category pages include:

Primary Groups

Popular Destinations



Quick Search Pages

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TEFL Course Review